National Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Spreading Awareness One Story at a Time

In honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we will be celebrating a selection of strong women fighting the disease throughout the month.
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women, and is the second leading cause of death among women. Currently, it is estimated that onein every eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. By spreading awareness and encouraging women to take the proper precautions for early detection and diagnosis, we hope to lower that number and prevent it from affecting the people we love.
This month, on our blog, we are excited to feature several brave, amazing women who are fighting breast cancer and staying upbeat throughout their battles. We are grateful that they are willing to share their stories.
We also invite you to support women battling breast cancer by participating in the annual Be Bold, Be Bald! campaign on October 17th. This is a great way for us to show solidarity with people across the country, specifically Colleen Sullivan, a breast cancer patient whose team “Sullivan Strong” will stand boldly (and baldly!) with her, while also raising funds for the Foundation. Stay tuned for more information, and we hope you will join us.
This October we encourage you to wear pink and live pink, and support the Foundation in helping women with breast cancer and their families get through one of life’s greatest challenges. In addition to supporting those who are fighting the disease, we can encourage women to be proactive. Schedule your mammogram, plan for early detection, and help the other women in your life to do the same.
Here’s to living pink!

–Jen Andruzzi
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