The Lombardo Legacy: Helping Others, Generous Heart

It is with profound sadness that we shared the news last week of the passing of our beloved board member, Michael Lombardo, Founder and CEO of GlideFast Consulting. Mike was more than just a member of our board. His generosity, vivacious spirit, and infectious personality made him a figure everyone loved and admired. Mike’s life was honored beautifully, and thousands gathered in person and remotely for a celebration of his life. This is who Mike was. He brought people together and touched so many lives positively.

Mike’s contributions to our community were immeasurable. The Joe Andruzzi Foundation (JAF) first met Mike in February of 2020, shortly after he was diagnosed with a rare form of non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.  A young business owner and father, his life had been turned upside down. Mike’s professional family had created a GoFundMe page following his cancer diagnosis to show their support for him and his wife, Jessica, and to remind Mike he was not fighting this battle alone. Mike and Jessica immediately decided they wanted to donate the money to a foundation that would ensure the financial support was delivered to families they believed needed it more than they did.

After speaking with their social worker and researching various nonprofits, the Lombardos chose the Joe Andruzzi Foundation to donate the funds to—and personally added additional funds to allow the Foundation to support even more families facing financial barriers during treatment.


JAF was incredibly honored to receive their gift towards JAF’s Financial Assistance Program. Joe and Jen enjoyed spending time talking with Mike and his family, sharing their personal journeys with cancer and the tremendous positive impact their donation will make on other local families impacted by cancer.

That could have been the end of the story.  But fortunately for JAF, it wasn’t.

Mike and Jessica instantly bonded with Joe and Jen.  After all, both the Lombardos and Andruzzis had shared experiences with cancer diagnosis and raising young families. However, they had far more than that in common. Mike, too, wanted to continue helping others face a cancer diagnosis’s financial challenges.

Mike would soon be asked to join JAF’s Board of Directors, lending his voice to the Foundation’s leadership and providing valuable counsel. He wasn’t just a figurehead; you could find Mike handing out water to Boston Marathon runners, speaking at the runners’ pasta dinner night, and even at the Foundation offices working with staff.

He was always the first to lend a helping hand, volunteer his time, and support any cause that would benefit others. His generosity knew no bounds, whether through his charitable donations or tireless efforts to improve our community.

The Lombardo Family and the GlideFast and ServiceNow communities teamed up on many occasions to support the Foundation through its programming, most recently our Annual Gala, Golf Tournament, and the Team JAF Boston Marathon runners. That support extended beyond dollars and cents. Mike was front and center at all the events, actively participating and encouraging others to do the same.

It should come as no surprise that these generous and selfless acts earned Mike the distinction of being recognized in 2021 with the Game Changer Award for having a profound impact on the Foundation.

For instance, at the 2022 Gala, Mike embraced the opportunity to meet and befriend Julio, a JAF patient recipient. They sat together at dinner, bid on some live auctions, and laughed the night away. They remained in contact well after that night. Mike wasn’t just part of our community; he helped create community amongst all of us.

Full of life and always wearing a smile, Mike had a unique ability to make everyone feel special and valued. His warm, welcoming nature drew people to him, and his genuine interest in others made him a cherished friend to many. He had an uncanny knack for turning even the simplest gatherings into joyous celebrations filled with laughter and unforgettable moments. His trademark #LFG became our rallying cry.

Mike’s impact on our community extends far beyond his formal roles. He was a devoted husband and father, loving brother and son, mentor to many in his professional life, a friend to all, and a beacon of positivity and kindness.  His face always lit up when he shared stories about his wife and daughters and their activities together.  They were his heart, and he enjoyed no greater place in the world than with them. His legacy is one of love, compassion, and unwavering dedication to making the world a better place.

As we mourn Mike’s loss, we also celebrate his incredible life and the lasting mark he left on all of us. His spirit will continue to live within the walls of the Joe Andruzzi Foundation and inspire and guide us, reminding us of the power of generosity and the importance of living life to the fullest.

During this difficult time, we extend our deepest condolences to Mike’s family  – his wife, Jessica, and his two beautiful daughters, as well as his extended family. While words can never fully capture the essence of such a remarkable man, we hope this tribute serves as a testament to Mike’s profound impact on our lives and the cancer patients we serve.

Mike Lombardo will be dearly missed, but his legacy will live on in the hearts of those fortunate enough to know him. Rest in peace, dear friend. Thank you for everything.

The Lombardo Legacy Fund

Honoring Mike’s true spirit of generosity, his family has established the Lombardo Legacy Fund.  All proceeds will seek to continue the good work Mike started to help New England cancer patients and family members with everyday household expenses so patients can pursue treatment without having to choose between paying for food or potentially life-saving care.  Embracing this call to action is Mike’s work family – the amazing team at GlideFast Consulting and ServiceNow.  Both organizations have contributed generously. It is a truly remarkable individual who can unite so many people towards improving outcomes.  To learn more about the Lombardo Legacy Fund or to make your gift, visit HERE.

IN HIS OWN WORDS, Mike shared what it meant to him to be a part of the Foundation’s leadership and advance this mission:

My favorite thing about being a JAF board member is my ability to make a real impact. I am honored to be a part of something so positive in this world, and I will not take that lightly.”

– Mike Lombardo

Honoring Michael Lombardo

The following are excerpts of some of the sentiments shared by the Joe Andruzzi Foundation’s Board of Directors:

During Michael’s time on the Board, his contributions and leadership had a positive and lasting impact on the Foundation, his colleagues, and the patient community JAF serves. Michael was a force of nature—unstoppable and unforgettable whether in business or as an ally to cancer patients. His greatest role, however, was as a husband and father. Please keep Jessica and their girls in your thoughts during this difficult time.

Colleen DeSimone, Chair, JAF Board of Directors

I am so sorry to hear this news, for his family, for those who knew him well, and for those of us just getting to know him. I’ve spent enough time with Mike to know how important his family, company, and giving back were to him. He was a good soul, and I will miss him.

Brent Crouch

An amazing man who did so much for so many.

Dan Gill

This is such a hard loss. Heartbreaking for all who knew him. Such an inspiring, generous, kind soul …an angel on earth. My last glimpse of Mike was on TV…at a Celtics playoff game…pacing behind the coach with the BIGGEST smile on his face! I remember thinking how he grabbed every opportunity to celebrate life..even while he suffered. May he rest in peace and remind us all how much one person can touch and change the lives of so many in such a beautiful way.

Anne Furey

From everything said about him, he seemed to be an incredible guy. I will pray for his family.

Mark Cummings

Such a huge loss for everyone that knew him.

Eric Kagan

My heart goes out to Jessica and his children at this time of grief. Although I only got to meet Mike a few times, we had a similar drive and passion to help others who were not as fortunate as we were in our own cancer battles.  Hearing this news of his passing hits home.  I will keep all of them in my prayers and continue to carry on Mike’s mission.  

Tom Turco

Mike was an unbelievable person and a fantastic leader in business and life. He will be deeply missed. 

Joe DeStefano

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