On Friday, September 20, at NRG LAB Mansfield, 11 fundraisers saddled up for a night of cycling, fun, and music at the inaugural Team JAF Spin-A-Thon. The team – made up of first-time “spinners”, JAF Athletes, family members of JAF patient recipients (like Greg Kundicz’s mother, Laurie), and Team JAF alumni – wore “glow attire” for the event, including necklaces, bracelets and even light-up earrings.

By the time the pedals slowed and sweat dried, more than $8,000 had been raised in support of the New England cancer patients JAF serves!
We owe a shout out to our amazing Team JAF athletes for training and fundraising in support of the Foundation: Deana DeSilva, Rich DeSilva, Annalyn Dury, Krista Easterly, Mark England, Sue England, David Kelliher, Laurie Kundicz, Margaret Lupinski, Jill Rilly, and Michelle Tsimtsos.
On behalf of everyone at the Foundation, we also want to thank all the sponsors and supporters who helped us bring the event to life – NRG Lab and it’s amazing team, including Luther White, Anne Fontaine, and, of course, our instructors, Cori Newcomb and Stacey Rivoria; Wegmans of Westwood; and DJ Gary Titus for providing the tunes and motivation to our cyclers as they pushed their bodies to the limit!