On the Road to the Marathon: Peter Riddle Joins Team JAF
Team JAFEvery JAF runner has a different journey to undertake on their road to the Marathon finish line. Winter weather, grueling training, and early morning runs...
Every JAF runner has a different journey to undertake on their road to the Marathon finish line. Winter weather, grueling training, and early morning runs...
One of our newest runners, Amy Sullivan is gearing up to cross the finish line this year for the first time after three years of training. Amy’s first...
Team JAF is much more than a running group, we like to think of ourselves as a family, and our group has never been stronger than it is this year. One of...
For years, many of our Team JAF runners, returning and new, have shared a single motivating factor: the drive to help aid the patients and families...
Many of our Team JAF runners will return this year to finish what they started on the race route in 2013. However, for first time marathon runner and...
With all of the group training and team camaraderie, Team JAF is a very close knit group. While many of our 2014 team runners are returning members,...
Many of our returning Team JAF runners have a shared motivation: finishing what they started last year. While several of our runners crossed the finish...
Kristen Micho is joining Team JAF at the Boston Marathon for the first time, but she already feels like part of the family. After seeing the...
For Team JAF runner Melissa Frontino, her return to the Boston Marathon is deeply personal. Not only was her Marathon cut short by just one mile last...
Now that the NFL season has official come to a close, it’s time to look back at another year of successful fundraising with our friends and supporters...